
The contributors will be invited to submit a paper to

Catalysis Today
Catalysis Surveys from Asia
Research on Chemical Intermediates

appearing in a special issue devoted to the conference.

Since the numbers of papers for the special issues of Catalysis Today and Research on Chemical Intermediates are limited, we invite the selected papers as follows.

  (1) Plenary lectures and invited lectures have been invited to
       Catalysis Surveys from Asia on March 20, 2014.
  (2) Selected papers of oral presentations have been invited to
       Catalysis Today on March 17, 2014.
  (3) Other oral presentations will be invited to
       Research on Chemical Intermediates.

All manuscripts will be peer reviewed following a standard procedure and the acceptance will be decided by the Editors.

TOCAT7 Kyoto2014 is organized by Catalysis Society of Japan. Copyright TOCAT7 Kyoto2014 Organizing Committee. All rights reserved. No reproduction or republication without written permission.
Contact to [email protected].